31-12-2008 la fecha en que el ZUNE se durmio

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User offline. Last seen 15 años 18 semanas ago. Offline
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Pues bueno ya se creo un caos al rededor de este asunto y al parecer ZUNE dice que mañana funciona, espero que esta informacion les sea util...como ya lo mencionaron varios compalñeros el problema es con el reloj interno del zune...pueden resetearlo desconectando la bateria...riesgoso...o esperar a que internamente se cambie la fecha a 01-01-2009...recomendable...creo que si esto es cierto podremos utilizar el zune para las fiestas de año nuevo....


Official response for Zune 30 Freezing Issue (Zune 30gb stuck at reboot screen)

Early this morning we were alerted by our customers that there was a widespread issue affecting our 2006 model Zune 30GB devices (a large number of which are still actively being used). The technical team jumped on the problem immediately and isolated the issue: a bug in the internal clock driver related to the way the device handles a leap year. The issue should be resolved over the next 24 hours as the time change moves to January 1, 2009. We expect the internal clock on the Zune 30GB devices will automatically reset tomorrow (noon, GMT). By tomorrow you should allow the battery to fully run out of power before the unit can restart successfully then simply ensure that your device is recharged, then turn it back on. If you’re a Zune Pass subscriber, you may need to sync your device with your PC to refresh the rights to the subscription content you have downloaded to your device.

Customers can continue to stay informed via the support page on zune.net (zune.net/support).

We know this has been a big inconvenience to our customers and we are sorry for that, and want to thank them for their patience.

Q: Why is this issue isolated to the Zune 30 device?

It is a bug in a driver for a part that is only used in the Zune 30 device.

Q: What fixes or patches are you putting in place to resolve this situation?

This situation should remedy itself over the next 24 hours as the time flips to January 1st.

Q: What’s the timeline on a fix?

The issue Zune 30GB customers are experiencing today will self resolve as time changes to January 1.

Q: Why did this occur at precisely 12:01 a.m. on December 31, 2008?

There is a bug in the internal clock driver causing the 30GB device to improperly handle the last day of a leap year.

Q: What is Zune doing to fix this issue?

The issue should resolve itself.

Q: Are you sure that this won’t happen to all 80, 120 or other flash devices?

This issue is related to a part that is only used in Zune 30 devices.

Q: How many 30GB Zune devices are affected?

All 30GB devices are potentially affected.

Q: Will you update the firmware before the next leap year (2012)?


Matt Akers
Zune Product Team

User offline. Last seen 14 años 15 semanas ago. Offline
Joined: 25/09/2007

Muy completa tu informacion, y muy logica

Felicidades por ser de las pocas personas en esta situacion que no han abierto la boca antes de usar el cerebro

Who controls the spice, controls the universe

User offline. Last seen 15 años 18 semanas ago. Offline
Joined: 06/07/2007

Bueno quiza tengas razon xD para mi lo mejor es esperar 2 o 3 dias no c ustedes no me arriesgaria a abrilo... Si ya lo an hecho anteriormente puede ser que si puedan les deseo suerte >.<

щїģυ€∫ Aиģξ∫

User offline. Last seen 14 años 43 semanas ago. Offline
Joined: 31/12/2008

Gracias por la info, muy completa y tranquilizadora. Ya vivimos nuestro propio Y2K jeje.

User offline. Last seen 15 años 17 semanas ago. Offline
Joined: 15/07/2008

puxaaa ya estamos 2 de enero y aun no escucho nada en mi zune y tengo musica para agregarle ya habra salio el patch o algo para poder arreglarlo? q pasara si no c llega a arreglar? el mio estaba sin bateria y cuando lo voy a conectar para cargar empezo el baile de la pantalla ojalá c pueda sino? q bill gates nos va a regalar zunes nuevos a todos los q tenemos el de 30gb??? seria brabazo